
gong2022 2022-07-30 10:07:39 0

摘要:  2017考研英语阅读理解选项命制规律尤其是阅读理解历来都是考研英语的“重头戏”,今天老师就给大家介绍一下考研英语阅读的选项设置规律。一、2017考研英语阅读理解:正确选项是同义替换二、2017考研英语阅读理解:正确选项是正话反说建议广大考生,对考研英语阅读真题的分析一定要全面透彻,不仅要分析文章本身的结构和主题,还需要明确解题思路和选项的命题特点。...




正确选项是对对原文定位句的同义替换或同义转述,这是考研阅读选项设置的常见规律。这提醒我们需要在复习的过程中不断积累同意替换词考研英语阅读选项规律,比如表示观点的词汇,表示因果关系的词汇。 例如:

Moreover, even though humans have been upright for millions of years, our feet and back continue to struggle with bipedal posture and cannot easily withstand repeated strain imposed by oversize limbs. “There are some real constraints that are set by the genetic architecture of the individual organism,” says anthropologist William Leonard of Northwestern University.

33. On which of the following statements would the author most probably agree?

[A] Non-Americans add to the average height of the nation.


[B] Human height is conditioned by the upright posture.

[C] Americans are the tallest on average in the world.

[D] Larger babies tend to become taller in adulthood.

解析:这是一道题干无定位信息的细节题。原文第一句:our feet and back continue to struggle with bipedal posture and cannot easily withstand repeated strain imposed by oversize limbs. 人类的脚和背不能够承受过于大型的肢体所带来的持续压力。由此可知,人类身高会受到直立行走的限制,选项[B]中Human height is conditioned by the upright posture是对原文cannot easily withstand repeated strain imposed by oversize limbs的同义转述。


除同义转述之外,正确选项还经常采用正话反说或反话正说的手法。文章中用否定方式表述的内容,选项会用肯定的方式把同样的意思表达出来;反之,命题人也可能会用否定的形式来表达原文中肯定的内容(如双重否定句,或者一个否定形式加上另一个否定词如never, none等)。例如:

How things have changed! In 1995 the United States can look back on five years of solid growth while Japan has been struggling. Few Americans attribute this solely to such obvious causes as a devalued dollar or the turning of the business cycle. Self-doubt has yielded to blind pride.


54. The author seems to believe the revival of the U.S. economy in the 1990s can be attributed to the________.

[A] turning of the business cycle

[B] restructuring of industry

[C] improved business management

[D] success in education

解析:本题的定位句是第二句,Few Americans attribute this solely to such obvious causes as a devalued dollar...“没有几个美国人将此仅仅归因于美元贬值或商业周期变化这样显而易见的原因”。关键在“obvious causes”,说明“美元贬值或商业周期变化”是作者认同的原因。原文用表示否定的词“few”进行表述,而选项则用了肯定方式表达了同一意思。



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